Foundation Rumah Anak Nusantara ( Foundation Rumah Antara ) as non-govermental organization public which was founded in 04 july 2018, has also share in helping bridge various problem social borne by teh community. Presence of the Foundation Rumah Anak Nusantara on the island Bali want to make an impact positive especially problem social for child the child less fortunate
In its organization, it has formed A support agency fot children poor, orphan stray, abandoned child named; Home Orphanage Anak Nusantara abbreviated become orphanage House Between ); since October 19 2019 by on the ground area of 650 m2, Which consists from the hostel son and daughter and supporting facilities. Capacity accommodate 40 child people foster.
Since year 2019 already give service and become a family for children-disadvantaged children from problem background Which variative such as: child abandoned , orphaned orphan, poor (family less capable ). They are build in orphanage care age 4 until 18 year, after reaching level productive age them can come back the society in independence As for service which taking place in the foundation us apart Which the on There some programs that has been implemented cover Service as well as education for child outside House / non distric recorded in the Foundation